Because the horse ran until it became beyond a horse and its hunger was the stillness of a moving herd

Siddhant Shukla
2 min readNov 5, 2022

in the bare width of a scar i am an unbecoming like the bang of a head against thick bronze

i have preferred corners at parties watched it move hungry at people who dance held their phones for them, i have listened to stillness breaking into them like surf as something within me never reached

i lie behind a man my hands knowing what they will never find around him, i have lain behind other men like that how i will not tell them the summer night stays alive heaving

wind breaks into more wind as it cuts through the building, we stand beneath weather that only folds into itself and he has still got it, see it when he looks away

how i would break into more of myself when I cut through him, how as he would leave I will keep on making of myself what i thought he promised to make of me

how hunger will devour her own to make more hunger, because hunger is also claim the body hungers so the body lives, how it will be all i am allowed but i am not aware of that right now I’m here still and enough

